The goal of the Connections Program is to connect young people who are pursuing careers with professionals in their field of study. The goal is to speed up their journey towards independence.  We strongly believe that a mentor can change the path of a young person’s life more than just about anything.  In a day and age where kids spend too much time with their head in the clouds, or staring at a digital device, it’s more important than ever that they have a grounding force by providing them with real world advice and guidance.   

We also firmly believe that there are a lot of people in this world who have a wealth of knowledge and wisdom they would love to pass along, and they are just looking for someone to share it with. Sometimes it takes pouring some of yourself out in order to fill you up. Its a win for everyone when we are able to connect kids looking for knowledge with mentors that are eager to share theirs.

If you'd like to vounteer as part of the Yawi Connections Program please click on the volunteer tab in the main menu, and simply fill in the Volunteer Questionnaire and let us know.